Travel News: Disadvantages of traveling to Ukraine

Disadvantages of traveling to Ukraine

21 Feb 2022   |   17 min ago read   |   General

Disadvantages of traveling to Ukraine

Disadvantages of traveling to Ukraine Ukraine is known as one of the eighth European country in terms of the number of tourism. When going to Ukraine.

Disadvantages of traveling to Ukraine

Crime is rampant in Ukraine

This is considered one of the main disadvantages of traveling to Ukraine, where petty crimes such as pickpocketing and kidnapping of goods from the hands of passers-by are common, especially in Kiev, the Ukrainian capital at night. There is also a lot of pickpocketing and theft in public transport, and there is a lot of fraud in the streets, so be Be careful when walking in the street at night, be careful not to wear jewelry and valuables, have your credit card in your hotel, you must monitor the roads, take an approved taxi, and agree with the driver on continuity and price before boarding the car.

Terror threat

The Ukrainian authorities have announced that they have thwarted a number of planned attacks, in Kiev, about 100 small-scale attacks (murders and bombings), including car bombings, occur in Ukraine every year, some of them fatal, and more attacks could occur in Anywhere, anytime, including in areas frequented by foreigners.

To stay safe:

  • Travelers to Ukraine are advised to be vigilant in public places.
  • Pay attention to places known as potential targets.
  • Report any suspicious activity or objects to the police.
  • Check the media for new threats.
  • Take official warnings seriously.

Security turmoil in Ukraine

This problem is considered one of the main shortcomings of travel to Ukraine, where Russian forces and groups supporting them took control of Crimea, where the Donetsk and Luhansk regions were disputed between the Ukrainian government and the Ukrainian government, in February. 2014. Separatist forces, including many civilians, kidnappings and other violence have been reported on both sides, resulting in many deaths and injuries. However, Ukraine is a safe country for tourists, but popular areas such as the coastal city of Odessa, conflict and turmoil areas, are located in the southeast of the country, far from the capital.

Travel to Ukraine

Ukraine is a large country in Eastern Europe with an area of ​​about 603,000 square meters and a population of about 43 million. In Ukraine, fertile plains, fertile soils and enjoys a temperate climate, Ukraine's capital is Kiev, and Ukraine is geographically important because it is a transit route for gas to Europe from It is good to know that most of the gas lines sent to other parts of Europe pass through Ukraine In addition, many minerals have been discovered and operated in Ukraine in recent years, and people in Ukraine speak Ukrainian, and this language is very similar to Russian and in general it can be said that it is a mixture They are Russian and Polish, and the majority are Christian in Ukraine. These are some of the common conditions in Ukraine that allow some people to immigrate to Ukraine.

The way to obtain permanent residence in Ukraine is that the applicant can obtain residence in different ways such as investment, marriage and work is one of the ways to obtain permanent residence in this country, where the method of obtaining permanent residence in Ukraine varies through one of these methods, for example For example, the way to obtain permanent residence in Ukraine through employment is for the applicant to complete an employment contract and work in this country for several years in addition to paying taxes.

The way to obtain permanent residence in Ukraine through marriage is for the applicant to marry a Ukrainian citizen and live with him for several years.

In order to immigrate to Ukraine through work, the applicant must meet the necessary requirements One of the requirements for this immigration procedure is that the applicant should be under the age of 40 and have at least a bachelor’s degree No talk of work experience, but it is clear that When at least one of the requirements is a bachelor's degree.

If a person has practical experience related to his field of work, he will have a better chance of working in any environment, you need to know the language of that country, and this rule also applies in Ukraine, because if you cannot speak Ukrainian, then the applicant will have difficulty communicating with the owner Employment and its clients, work in most European countries also requires a job offer from a company or employer, and applicants in Ukraine need one as well.

Some tips about traveling to Ukraine

Of course, there are a number of safety precautions and tips that must be taken into account when traveling to Ukraine, the most important of which are:

  • You should always carry your passport with you at all times when you are abroad, as the local police can stop foreigners and ask them for their passports and visas to make sure they are not terrorists
  • You must keep a copy of your passport in a safe place known only to you.
  • Also, governments around the world are warning their citizens against traveling to Ukraine, and if things force them to do so, they should move away from the conflict zone, which is located on the southeast side of the country in a remote and poor area with no tourist attractions.
  • You should always ensure that you are safe from pickpocketing and theft, and you should keep your money in a safe place away from fraudsters, such as in the inside pocket of your jacket
  • You should also avoid being on public transport, as it is known to be one of the most thieves' places.
  • There are several numbers that you must memorize well, such as: Medical emergency: call 103 and the police number: call 102.

General travel advice

  • Carry your passport with you at all times, as local authorities can stop foreigners and require them to produce their passports and visas, as well as keep copies of them in a safe place.
  • Most governments around the world advise their citizens to avoid traveling to the war-affected territory of Ukraine, a small and remote region confined to the southeast of the country and away from most tourist routes.
  • Beware of pickpockets in crowded places and keep your wallet in a safe place, such as an inner pocket, and beware of thieves at train stations, buses and public transportation. Ukrainian airports are safer due to increased security controls.

In the end, we warn you that you should take precautions in traveling in general and you should take into account that you are traveling outside your country and you should take extra money with you and you should preserve your money and you should study these tips directed to you in this article and also we would like to have listed all The risks and drawbacks of traveling to Ukraine, as well as solutions and special tips in zero to Ukraine.

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